Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An Indoor Water fountain for Relieving Stress!

Sometimes I think about life and how we live. It seems very far from what nature intended for us. Sure, I love my TV, my cell phone, the computer and all the other electronics like everyone else, but sometimes it seems that life is just too supercharged and there seems to be no safe place where you feel that you can recharge your own batteries!

It's those times, that we run a bath. It's in that bath, soaking in the warm water, listening to the drops hit the surface, that we feel the stress flowing away, and a calm returning slowly. We connect with the water, we feel focused on it, and freed. We leave from that bath with a smile on our face, feeling very cozy, feeling very relaxed for the first time in the day!

What is it about the water? We came from water, they say we are creatures of the sea!
And so the sound of gently running water is so natural to us, like a friend in a hostile environment. Just the sound of that running water calms us, and brings us back to basics. It's the natural way for us, to find the sea, and put our feet in the water, to let the ebb and flow of the tides whisk away our worries!

In my home I have a few indoor water fountains, one in each room. Though they don't have any moving parts (other than the gently flowing water), I find myself looking at them, my eyes and ears gravitating to the gentle sounds of the cascading water, rippling over the ledge into the rocks. I imagine the stresses of my life just flowing away as the water flows through those decorative water fountains! And the funny thing is, as I imagine this, as I look at a simple indoor water fountain, my stress and irritations just seem to flow away with the water! I suppose that too, is why I gravitate to amusing little decorative water fountains~ little frogs or little children motifs, such light-hearted fun designs which literally lift my heart into a smile :-)

Well, we can't find the ocean in our home, but we can build for ourselves a space which adds some fun, joy and pleasure to our home! A little oasis of relief! You should try it! With water fountains indoor or outdoor!

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