Sunday, April 26, 2009

In my Guided Meditation...

I'm not usually the type of person who can meditate. My brain is all over the place! It's amazing how the human brain can think 5 things at once and flit here and there rather than do nothing at all! And so I usually don't try to meditate because I frustrate myself trying, lol.

But today, I had an incredible experience. I went with a friend to a group meditation. The people were very friendly and I felt very at ease. We sat in a rather large room with comfortable chairs placed randomly, in a sort of loose circle, giving us all a great deal of personal space around us. The leader led us into a meditation which I was able to "grab onto" right away.

He asked us to envision standing beside our favorite tree. I have a favorite tree because I see it every day on my walks. It stands at the foot of the little stream I pause at while I stretch before beginning my walks. This is my favorite tree because another large tree fell on it, and this tree holds the whole weight of the other tree. I "feel for it". Sort of how I feel that life lays its burdens on me!!

So the leader of the meditation had us to walk down a path in our minds, and I chose the one I pass every day which runs along side of the stream. It's a very narrow path and in reality it hits a tiny waterfall and then you can't walk any further because the stream hits the pond on the other side of the trail. But the leader had us envision that we created an incredible garden. So in my mind, I bridged the gap in the trail with a little bridge and walked over it (now uncharted territory in reality). I imagined walking down this narrow path, and walking through a natural gate or arch made by the vines. When I passed into this space, I was surrounded by the most incredible place I've ever seen, and I was able to envision it so clearly!

It was a relatively small garden, with large stones and moss for the floor. The garden was circular and completely enclosed by greenery. There were ferns and wild flowers everywhere. The scent of the earth was incredible. There was a "chair" made of 2 large stones, in just the right shape to fit comfortably in. The stream flowed into a waterfall to the left of the entrance, wound around the garden behind the "chair" and flowed into a second waterfall as it left visibility. The sunlight filtered, golden and warm through the opening in the trees overhead , gently falling on the faces of the flowers and gently warming me. I sat in this garden, hearing the flow of the water, and I tell you, I do feel that I was there. The scent and the sounds were incredible.

Later today I went for my walk. I walked up to that tree, touched it warmly, and continued up the path almost hoping that my garden would be there if I pressed deeper into brush... but the stream hit the pond as before, and there was no bridge, just a rusted cover to a gas burner LOL. LOL, ahhhh, reality can be such a kick, huh! So here I am at my computer, sitting next to my indoor water fountain, listening to the sound of the water. Such a similar sound, if I close my eyes...

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